Weather Changes Affect Door Locks

If you are wondering if weather can have an effect on door locks in any way, the short answer is that it can. When exposed to moisture and extreme heat, and cold temperatures over time, door locks can be affected by weather. We are going to provide more information on why and how this happens.

Moreover, we are going to provide information on what you can do when you experience a lock dilemma!

Keep reading to discover more about how weather changes affect door locks. 

Very cold temperatures and a lack of moisture in the air can cause issues with a door and thereby its locks. Why? How does this happen? The reason is because cold temperatures can make a door frame contract. This can end up causing an issue with the door and its locks in the sense that they won’t fit together as they are supposed to. As a matter of fact, the door frame contracting can cause warping. If you notice an issue with your deadbolt after freezing temperatures outside, consider that the weather changes might be having an effect on your door locks. 

What sort of locks might be impacted by weather changes? Garage door locks, car locks, and front door locks are exposed to outside temperatures, therefore, they can be impacted by weather changes. When the air is cold it can cause a layer of ice to form which can impact the key slit.

 It is not just chilly weather you have to think about. Warm weather can impact door locks, too. How? Because it can cause expansion. Warping can then occur. And it can occur surrounding your lock. Do you have an outside lock that is becoming jammed? It might be weather related. Does the key get stuck? Again, it might be weather related. 

An issue can occur due to the door or the lock material. If you have a wood door, it is important to note that it can be more prone to warping in comparison to other materials. This might impact the type of material you opt to use.

Freezing, icy temperatures can cause a door frame to contract, as discussed here. When there is not as much moisture in the air, it can impact door locks. Whether the area you reside in experiences snow, rain, very hot or otherwise very cold temperatures, know that this can have an impact on your door locks as time goes on. 

If you were wondering if weather can have an effect on door locks, the short answer is that it can, and we hope the information we have provided has been advantageous for you. Just remember that when exposed to moisture and extreme heat, and cold temperatures over time, door locks can be affected by weather. We have provided more information on why and how this happens. 

A mobile locksmith is going to come to your rescue when you experience a dilemma with your locks. 
Thanks for visiting us and reading about the connection between door locks and weather changes! 

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Phone: (617) 401-7740
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